No More Wansers

Filed Under (,,,,,, ) by whitaker imagery on Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Posted at : 2:45 PM

So, that's it.  Daddy's four little girls are all married.  He's probably relieved he just doesn't have to get up and dance again, but then that is the last of the family name.  Lauren's wedding in Ogunquit, Maine this past Friday was absolutely beautiful.  So was the weather.  Also, I learned to things about my sister.  1- She is a silent bridezilla and 2- She is a crybaby. 

Seriously, she cried over the littlest thing, which of course made the rest of us cry too. Well, I could've just been crying over the 150 chair covers that she made us steam and then tie bows on to get her reception at the Coastal House just perfect.
Actually, I was more than happy to help and in true Lauren style she found a way to add a little fun to an otherwise daunting task.  You see a good bride should become one with her reception decor.
The seat covers were not our only task of the day.  Lauren also had a little child labor in mind.  Luckily, Leah didn't seem to mind helping tie ribbons onto the programs.
I guess a famous blue box could really get a girl to do just about anything.  And that is just what Leah found waiting for her at the rehearsal dinner in Perkin's Cove at Barnacle Billy's.
Lauren was kind to the "big girls" too.  And we all got this cute little bracelets fantastically modeled here by bridesmaid Boriana. (This was her first American wedding and she was just a bit culture shocked, which was good for plenty of laughs)
The dinner, drinks and conversation at Barnacle Billy's were just lovely and so was my dinner :)
After dinner, us three already married sisters headed to the hotel with Leah for some bonding time before Lauren's big day.  Being the best big sister I am, I gave Karen a pedicure simultaneously losing my phone into the bucket of pedicure water.....sniff :(  That meant only one thing.  I did not hesitate as Lauren poured mimosas at Washington Square salon the next morning.
I am pretty sure the stylists loved every second of our presence.  Well, possibly with the exception of Meg who "really really just wanted something simple."  In the end, the only person who really needed great hair was Lauren, and she got exactly that.
Lauren's entire day ran smoothly and ahead of or on schedule (no doubt due to her humble-bridezillaness) and after hair it was time to get dressed.  We all headed over to Lauren's room at the Puffin Inn, greeted by Lauren's friends/owners (a couple really sweet guys) and more mimosas!
Since Leah's mom banned her from champagne for the day, she was first in her dress.And that lucky girl wore it again the very next day.  Nothing like getting some use out of an adorable dress.
And speaking of dresses, the beading and detail on Laur's dress was absolutely amazing.
Since I was in the bridal party most of the rest of the shots of the wedding are from Artie picking up my camera.  So I will leave you with just this one.  Congratulations Lauren and Mike and here's to many many years of happiness!


Anonymous said...

I love weddings. And little blue boxes!

Alison Douglass said...

Beautiful job and beautiful story telling Deb! Congrats to your sister and her new husband!

Lauren said...

Deb, those are awesome pictures! I can't wait to see the rest of what you (and Artie) took! Thanks for a nice post!

Ryan J. Moore Photography said...

Congrats to the new couple and great work Deb!

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