Filed Under () by whitaker imagery on Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Posted at : 1:25 PM
One of the biggest messages I took away from Justin & Mary's Spread the Love Tour was to live a life Un-ordinary. Well, what the heck does that mean? It's simple really. All you have to do is slow down just a teensy bit. Stop, (and I know, cliche) and smell the roses. Living a life un-ordinary will be different for everyone, but is something that everyone just has to try. For my un-ordinary life, incredible steps have already been taken and by posting this blog I am putting it out there for everyone to hold me accountable. Consider this post an outline of sorts. A plan. A layout of changes being made and goals to be accomplished. Okay, okay here are a couple baby steps made and goals set so far....

1. I am going to Steal Time. Too many times in this life we put things off until tomorrow (or the next day, or the day after that, or the day after get the picture). The thing with putting things off is that those things often cause disappointment for the people we most love. We often work long hours (even us SAHMs) and don't make as much time for our partners or our children. If this is you, stop right now! Stealing time was the hardest step for me to figure out, but after just one week of "figuring it out" I love my new plan! Now of course, this may not work for everyone but amazingly enough 4am has become my saving grace. I am able to wake up before my entire family, work for 3 hours and be ready to feed, entertain and clean up after the kiddoes when they are ready to take on their day. After lunchtime comes nap time which means more work time for me without taking anything away from my little bundles of joy. By scheduling work around my sleeping babes, I am able to be much more productive, be a better mommy to my kids and a better wife to my husband since I have been so productive during the day and have more time for him in the evenings. Besides doesn't feeling like you accomplished something during the day make you feel just awesome at the end of the day?
2. I am going to Blog EVERYday! If you have been following this blog at all, you will know that this is a HUGE change for me. Before my un-ordinary life, I blogged mostly when I had a Sneak Peek from a session to post. Ugh, what did that look like? All business, no play and little personality....BOOORING! So here it is, I am setting a goal. Making a commitment. I will blog everyday. I want my clients, friends, family to know me.....really know me. I believe that by sharing even the most seemingly mundane minutae of my everyday ongoings will truly reveal who I am as a person and what you can expect from me as a photographer.
3. I will be leaving my Lovemark. Ummmm.....what's a lovemark? My lovemark is part of my brand (another lesson learned from J&M!) My lovemarks are little tokens of appreciation for my family, friends and most definitely my clients...and who doesn't love presents?! I really wanted to try this concept out when I was asked to shoot Chizzle Wizzle Ball 2010 and my husband totally jumped on board and helped put these cute baskets of goodies together. Each basket contained chapsticks, gum, and a scratch card and each tag was personalized with a little handwritten note to each couple (or single).....they LOVED 'em! What a great feeling to have added a little extra to an already great evening. So there, now you have been warned. WhitakerImagery is developing lovemarks and if you aren't careful you just might be branded:)
There are my first three and here is my challenge to a life UN-ordinary! I mean really..really do it. And as part of this challenge, I am throwing down the gauntlet. Leave a comment with at least one way you will begin your UN-ordinary Life starting right now (you must be specific....I am going to make time for my family will not work. I need to know how you will do it; exact changes you will make). On April 12th, I will randomly select a winner among the qualifying comments to win something special from me! One, two, three.......GOOOOOO!!!

1. I am going to Steal Time. Too many times in this life we put things off until tomorrow (or the next day, or the day after that, or the day after get the picture). The thing with putting things off is that those things often cause disappointment for the people we most love. We often work long hours (even us SAHMs) and don't make as much time for our partners or our children. If this is you, stop right now! Stealing time was the hardest step for me to figure out, but after just one week of "figuring it out" I love my new plan! Now of course, this may not work for everyone but amazingly enough 4am has become my saving grace. I am able to wake up before my entire family, work for 3 hours and be ready to feed, entertain and clean up after the kiddoes when they are ready to take on their day. After lunchtime comes nap time which means more work time for me without taking anything away from my little bundles of joy. By scheduling work around my sleeping babes, I am able to be much more productive, be a better mommy to my kids and a better wife to my husband since I have been so productive during the day and have more time for him in the evenings. Besides doesn't feeling like you accomplished something during the day make you feel just awesome at the end of the day?
2. I am going to Blog EVERYday! If you have been following this blog at all, you will know that this is a HUGE change for me. Before my un-ordinary life, I blogged mostly when I had a Sneak Peek from a session to post. Ugh, what did that look like? All business, no play and little personality....BOOORING! So here it is, I am setting a goal. Making a commitment. I will blog everyday. I want my clients, friends, family to know me.....really know me. I believe that by sharing even the most seemingly mundane minutae of my everyday ongoings will truly reveal who I am as a person and what you can expect from me as a photographer.
3. I will be leaving my Lovemark. Ummmm.....what's a lovemark? My lovemark is part of my brand (another lesson learned from J&M!) My lovemarks are little tokens of appreciation for my family, friends and most definitely my clients...and who doesn't love presents?! I really wanted to try this concept out when I was asked to shoot Chizzle Wizzle Ball 2010 and my husband totally jumped on board and helped put these cute baskets of goodies together. Each basket contained chapsticks, gum, and a scratch card and each tag was personalized with a little handwritten note to each couple (or single).....they LOVED 'em! What a great feeling to have added a little extra to an already great evening. So there, now you have been warned. WhitakerImagery is developing lovemarks and if you aren't careful you just might be branded:)
There are my first three and here is my challenge to a life UN-ordinary! I mean really..really do it. And as part of this challenge, I am throwing down the gauntlet. Leave a comment with at least one way you will begin your UN-ordinary Life starting right now (you must be specific....I am going to make time for my family will not work. I need to know how you will do it; exact changes you will make). On April 12th, I will randomly select a winner among the qualifying comments to win something special from me! One, two, three.......GOOOOOO!!!
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you inspire me so much you are such a go-getter and such an amazing person, mother, wife, photographer and friend, you are always doing things for others (such as the beautiful pictures you take and time you put into editing them ) You make me want to live an "un-ordinary" life! Thank you again for everything you have done for me! <3333
I guess I should have left something I am going to start to do "un-ordinary" I thought about it and it is going to have to be, one on one time with my father! it may not seem "un-ordinary" cause I see him everyday...haha but when we are all together we are always doing for the kids, he help me pick and drop them off to school, he makes us dinner ALL the time, he will drop everything if I need him without even wanting a single Thank you from anyone, and I want to take time for something he loves like fishing,or looking for rocks,or going with him antiquing looking for useless things he thinks are going to be worth millions! Just because time goes so fast and I will not have these times with him forever and I do not want to take him for granted EVER! So not sure if this is what you mean? but this is something new I am going to do and make time for! :)
WOW what an amazing idea!!an iv been sitting here re-reading this for over a half a hour now just thinking about my life an all the things i say im gonna do but keep putting them off..Being a SAHM i try to fill the day with everything for my lovies!! They are my life an loves but i dont ever really take time for myself or do anything thats just for myself.. I guess because i think its gonna make me selfish an take something away from my 2 kiddos!! But now im relizing i need to do th "un-ordinary" thing an step back from the house work an the cleaning an the playing an do something thats just for myself..Having wrapped myself even more in my children in the past year with my husbands deployment an my marraige ending iv kept myself going threw my children to keep myself alive.. But its time to start "feeling" againe!! So here is my "un-ordinary" life..Im going to start doing one thing a day just for myself if its writing in one of my journals to start dealing with the emotions i have bottled up an affraid to let out or its taking a few moments to work on my scrapbooking i have put off for almost a year.. Its time to start living each day as a new day an enjoying the small things in life.. i dont know if any of this counts as a _un-ordinary" life but it is for myself because iv always put Isabelle an Elijah before myself but its time for me to be a healtyer an happier me to be a better mommie to them!! Thank You cause you have opened my eyes to alot with your words
Chelle~ Time for yourself is a HUGE one. I think that should be next on my list too! Here's your that something for yourself TODAY...and then leave another comment and let us know what that special moment was. And for those who are worried that their moment won't be "special" here's a funny tale. Last night I had to pee and when I got all done I just took an extra minute or two just sitting in the quiet bathroom (if your house is as crazy as mine, then you totally get it). DH asked if i was "pooping"....I just kind of giggled and then proudly said, NOPE...just stealing a quick minute for myself. So you see, sitting yourself on a throne (even if it is the one in the loo) does not make you just makes you sane :)
This is my commitment but I am going to need alot of help from my bestest!! I want to make the time for my favorite family twice a month for laughter is the best medicine and BOY do we have alot of that together!!! I dont care what day or night of the week but this needs to be done without fail or excuses!! Love You Guys... Couldn't ask for better friends/family :)
Awwww, Jamie....*tear* This is a great one! And even greater that me and my family can play such a huge part in your happiness just by being us:) Silliness and randomness it is at least twice a got it sistah! Muuuah<3
Deb, you are such an inspiration! My un-ordinary is that I am going to make time for myself. Sounds simple enough, but as you well know; by the time all the others have been taken care of I am too tired to think of ME. Yes, I have my FaceBook time, but that isn't for the real, flesh and blood me. Since Hubert just married, I think I need to make time for my real love, and crotchet something special for them. Although it's not for me, per se.. it is something I haven't made the time to do in very many years, and it truly is me, as I love to create a unique pattern, rather than follow instruction from a book. Thanks, Be Safe, Be Happy. Dianne L.
Aunt Dianne~ Crocheting is an excellent way to block out the rest of the world and leave you with only your thoughts! I bet the newlyweds would love a great snuggly afghan....and since it is kind of warm to be working on a heavy blanket it wouldn't hurt my feelings if some great funky baby hats in vibrant colors happened to cross my path for newborn shoots:) Seriously though, I am so glad you took a sec to stop by my blog and leave a little love <3
Deb- I am always amazed at your energy level. Right now, I am in the midst of feeling like I am drowning. To take time for myself- hmmm. My goal is two part- to start getting up early every day (I was doing that for awhile) and to get back on the treadmill every other day. I have a million things to do, start work next week, but if I don't start soon, I'm going to have to go to the padded room!
Let's see... hmmmm .... Well, I have to tell you that it took me a while to think of a plan (that I knew I could probably follow)to reach my goals.
As you well know children and their schedules extend your own. So that all I feel I am doing is working, chauffering, disciplining and sleeping. I do make time to walk s few times a week as a stress reliever. All business.. and as much fun as you try to make it, the stress gets you. So here it is...
My unordinary life will consist of:
getting together with my sister once a month for a girls night out.
Lunch with my mom once a month and the card playing that follows.
Date day once a month with Duane.
last but not least game night with the kids, whether it be playing board, card games or even Rock band and sing star. Need to get the fun back into our lives. Thanks Deb for inspiring me... yet again. lol. Collette life is so "un-ordinary" that any more changes I make will just make it more "un-ordinary"...I think I am going to do something ordinary for the common woman...for the first time...Spencer and I are starting a small Garden next to our house...he is ecstatic...this will give he and I some fun together time and also get some fresh veggies in to our bellies...He and I both love to eat peas and carrots straight from the ground...either way, we will have fun doing it...some "ordinary" time would be good for us...
yah like zucchini...I am sure we will have lots...
Deb, What an amazing post. I was not only inspired, but found myself sharing tid-bits with others of your new found "UN-ordinary" life changes. I have been pondering how to respond for a few days now. As a fellow SAHM, my days are filled with the mundane tasks of folding laundry or washing dishes. My taxi services are never ending, and there always seems to be another mess following the one I just cleaned. At my breaking points, (YES, we all have them!) I sit for a moment and daydream of a spotless kitchen and time for myself. However, there-in lies my "UN-ordinary" Since mulling your recent post, I have challengend myself to find the blessings in the messes and laughter before the meltdowns. After all, I am soooo lucky to be able to be spending time with those I love. These truly are precious moments, and rather than take them for granted my goal is to gather them up in my heart-strings. Although I would love to say I'll make time for my scrpabooking everyday, or spend each night cuddling with hubby, I find this may be an impossible goal for our household. Scrapbooking usually turns into a sticker time for J., and Hubbys long hours find me asleep more than not by the time hes home. For now, I'm content to start my "UN-ordinary" life with baby-steps, and face same ol day with a smile. Thanks for giving me this tiny reflection of inspriation. Hugs & Smiles, Mel
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