FOUR-WHEELIN' FUN: Good Times at the Weber Farm

Filed Under (,,, ) by whitaker imagery on Monday, June 14, 2010

Posted at : 3:14 PM

To go hand in hand...or blog in blog, if you will....with our Steinhauer Family session, I just had to share a bit of the raucous that was commencing behind the scenes. Chris' brother, Uncle Eric, couldn't resist getting out the four-wheelers and showing his nieces and nephews what having fun was really about. All this commotion made it a little harder to wrangle the kids in when I needed them, but it certainly did help to keep smiles going and contribute to the laid back approach I love.

Speaking of wrangling, once A got a bit of confidence in going faster, he was determined to avoid posing for any picture.
 And before this post goes on any further, I just have to introduce the Weber boys.  I can only imagine the stories these two boys will tell of their childhood on this beautiful farm later in life. And yes, little A.W. actually does smile, but his pouty faces are just as cute!

 See, told you he smiles....and brother J's smile is one that rarely leaves his face:)
I am really not sure who was having more fun on the four wheelers, the little kids or the big ones....but at least they were all really good at sharing, even if it did take a game of let's see how many we can fit onto one.

But then there were others like A and Z that made sharing a debatable topic, which of course left Z a little bored.

Of course, Uncle Eric is the biggest kid of them all and really wanted to show the kids a thing or two. Thing #1...
and thing #2 (notice how J made the responsible decision of dismounting prior to this run).

I think my favorite part of this day was the way A.W.'s blonde hair stood on end as the ATV landed....oh, that and his infectious giggle.

Being Maine and all it wasn't long before the mosquitoes grew thick and supper was calling, which meant just one was time for one last ride.


Lee Weber said...

All of the photos are amazing! There is something so poignant about the last one, though. I miss those kids, and knowing they will be so darned far away is something I can't even think about. Thank you for the great snaps- of course we still need to do our day, plus add some of these in! Luv u

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