Filed Under () by whitaker imagery on Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Posted at : 4:08 AM

So, yeah I know ....I've been a blogging slacker.  Truth is I do have lots to blog about, but have just been in this little funk.  Do you ever have those days (ahem, weeks?) when you question your self-worth? Moments when you wonder if you'll ever stack up and you forget that just the way you are is perfectly fine, and then you remember it's just fine but you want to be more than just fine, you strive for being extraordinary.  Yeah, I found that place again.  It is not a fun place, but it certainly has its way of sneaking in there when you are least expecting it. 

I know this sounds like a completely different girl compared to my UN-ordinary post a few short weeks ago.  There is just this nagging feeling like there is something just out of reach in my little world that I need to have, but will never reach.  I am constantly questioning myself....Am I the best mom/wife I can be? Are my children happy? Is my husband happy? Should I do more housework? Is photography really the thing for me? Do my clients really like me? Is my pricing structure what it should be? Am I really happy with my branding? Or will my client base ever really grow to the place I want it to be? Are the kickboxing classes and P90X workouts really worth it ('cause really I am busting my arse and not seeing results)? Am I doing enough? Am I worth it? This is Le Funk.

I really don't know why it came about or where it came from.  We have been having some amazing weather lately and I have taken advantage of sneaking a little Vitamin D here and there, and on top of that just had a fantastic weekend.  So really what is up with this somber mood of mine?  Wherever it came from it can just go right back there. Oh, and one more question. I know there has to be someone else out there in internet-land that sometimes falls into this little funk....what do you do to climb your way back out?


Ryan J. Moore Photography said...

Been there done that ---- well except for the wife and mother part. Keep focusing on what you can change - keep focusing on your business, make it what you want it to be - the clients will come. I have been in that particular funk many many many times---- especially watching my competition get booking after booking and i get nothing....but then something changes, that booking comes - that booking you thought was not going to come --- does. Keep looking ahead - don't look back, and don't judge your business based on other's business - YOU ROCK!!!

And I am SURE you are a pretty damn good wife and mother too!!

As for P90X ---- forget it --- have a beer instead!!

Alison Douglass said...

Deb, you know some of how I feel because we talked yesterday, but please be assured we ALL hit those funks. We ALL have self doubt and question what we are doing and our talents and our family and everything else. Though I always feel like no one can understand where I am when I am like that, there are many others right with you. This whole winter has been like that for me right into the spring. Do what you need to do for you and your business, the clients will come, the ones that love YOU for your work. Then you come to your friends and colleagues (who are facing some of the same things) andtalk through things like inspriation, pricing and the like. I have found my fastest way out is to change my mind. Forcibly, but change how I am looking at it. It is hard, but it gets easier every time I face it. Please call me if you want to chat, you know how to find me and if next week is Artie's Monday, how about lunch? :)

Anonymous said...

We all have those days and weeks, and I would agree that it seems to sneak up on you at the weirdest times. Self-sabatoge- ahhhhhhh, if we could fix it, bottle it, and sell it, we'd be rich. For me, it happens when I am tired, or have to many things going on. I would say that talking it out works for me. Putting light on the little demons takes their power away. Feel better, HUGS- Lee PS- Adam has been asking about coming to your hosue. Let's try to set something up. Oh, and also need to schedule a session. The boys have fresh haircuts, and so in a week or so should be perfect. I just need to get my gray covered up!!

Tiffany W said...


NEVER doubt yourself you are awesome. You are a beautiful and strong woman. We have all been there at one time or another just keep your chin up and things will get better. If you want to chat or get together give me a call. One more week until I can join you at kick boxing!!!

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