Filed Under (,,,,, ) by whitaker imagery on Monday, June 28, 2010

Posted at : 7:33 AM

So, I know this post seems a little dated, but here's to catching up.  This year's father's day was celebrated by spending a fantastic afternoon with all my sisters, our kiddoes and our daddy.  There is nothing dad loves more than watching his grandchildren play. and with the incredibly warm forecast, a slip-n-slide was the perfect activity.

Mak and Colby were old pros, and with little fear showed all the other cousins how it's done.

Leah's form consisted of a seated approach, but she was just as happy playing in the water spay and adjusting the slide as needed.

Riley was content with the seated approach as well, while Julian got things a bit backward and decided running up the slide was much more fun.

We really wanted Riley to slide on his belly and he just wasn't having it.  Well, Grandpa wasn't having that.  Grandpa performs a half jump/half stumble/fall while saying to Riley This is how you do it. Watch Grandpa! before realizing jeans and sneakers don't mesh well with slipping and sliding, and the demonstration was completely unsuccessful.

Here is Grandpa post slide attempt, with wet clothes and realizing that Riley's baby brother is sleeping in his room so there is no option for dry clothes for at least an hour.

Riley's dad decides he needs to take matters into his own hands.  And R has no choice but to slide on his belly.

Yeah....he wasn't too happy about it.
While we were busy playing with Grandpa, DH was busy spending the day with his dad at the race track.  After dinner, we hurried home to surprise him with this extra special cake we had prepared earlier in the day.
Of course he loved it and it was a perfectly sweet ending to a perfectly sweet day.


Alison Douglass said...

Love the slip and slide photos, your dad rocks:) I am so glad you shared the cake, the kids did a great job on it (as I was told in the strawberry field!)

Anonymous said...

Awesome- your dad looks like he really enjoyed the day! Great pics of the kiddos too.

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