Filed Under (,,,,, ) by whitaker imagery on Friday, July 30, 2010

Posted at : 7:57 AM

I recently received an email from DH while he was at work.  A few fellow motorcycle-riding soldiers had told him about this great group they were joining and thought he'd enjoy it too. He seemed pretty excited about it, and to be honest it was just perfect for him....and for me too.  I love soldiers and all that they put on the line for us every day.  I also love bikers.  I love that bikers have this rough exterior, but really under all that leather and big beards they are some of the kindest people you will ever meet.  So then, what is this group?  Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association.  Yes.  The best of both worlds.  Their mission: Veterans helping Veterans.  And that is exactly what we did this past weekend...a benefit ride to help out a fellow veteran, raising awareness for domestic violence and logging nearly ten hours of riding time (my butt was mad at me for a whole day)!

We met up with the rest of the Maine Chapter in Sanford, ME and then joined a combination of other Chapters totaling somewhere near 80 bikes before enduring an 80+ mile scenic ride to Rochester, NH.  This was our view for most of the ride.  'Diggah' on the left.  'Hollywood' on the right.

It is a bit disorienting to take pictures while riding, but the views are worth every second.  I am commonly asked when I will take the leap and drive my own bike, but honestly I really don't think I am that coordinated...although I do long to know what it is like.  Maybe someday, but for now I think I will just sit back and enjoy the view.

Oh, and get a little creative with some shots too:)  We were actually moving in this shot, and yeah DH thought I was just a little nuts.

Of course, I couldn't write this post without sharing a bit of the story behind this ride. When DH told me that this ride was for Domestic Violence awareness, there was no way we were not participating.  As a survivor of DV, this one really hit home and I had to be a part of it.  We rode in memory of the daughter of a veteran.  A beautiful daughter and a fabulous mom to a fantastic little boy.  Sadly, this girl was the victim of domestic violence and was shot and killed as she took one last stand of bravery and made an attempt to walk away.  The coward then turned the gun on himself.  Her little boy is now under the courageous and loving care of his grandfather and our fellow veteran. 

All money raised from the event went to domestic violence shelters and college funds for the little boy, and we were all more than happy to bring some smiles to this family's faces and raise awareness for a scary and important cause. And even greater than helping a veteran was the new friends we met.  'Diggah' is one of the younger veterans of the group (like DH) and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom (also like DH), and his girlfriend 'Hollywood' is one of the sweetest gals I've ever met.

After capturing them, I handed Holly my camera and this was the result.  (the black all over our faces is the result of driving through road construction, lol)

Now all that's missing is DH to decide on his own road name...and me to decide on mine!  Yep, I qualify to join as an auxiliary member and I can have my own biker road name:)  Suggestions???


Alison Douglass said...

Ok, love the side mirror shot Deb and glad to see a helmet on your beautiful head!Hmmm, road name.... I will have to think on that one!

Bossy Betty said...

Gorgeous pictures and a great cause!

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