Filed Under () by whitaker imagery on Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted at : 2:47 PM

I have been telling my neighbor I was going to do this for sometime now. And looking at this week's schedule and taking advantage of the kiddoes having a sleepover at Memere's, last night was the perfect opportunity. Here's a little story about This and That Farm.

When we were looking to buy this house, Miss M and I wandered across the street where we were greeted by one of the owners of the this and that farm.  Becca Heenie.  She was a sweet soul and gave M a tiny pumpkin to take away with her.  M was three and kept that thing for almost a whole year. Yes, it made the move with us and the neighborly relationship we have with Becca and her husband Clint (whom my children affectionately call 'Old Man') has only blossomed.  This great friendship is especially helpful when we need eggs at the last minute. 

These lovely ladies and their gentleman friend, don't mind one bit when we come along invading their space to make our next omelet.

Another important note other than the great personalities of the owners of this farm is that everything is organic.  Yes. No chemicals. And yes, you can taste the difference in the produce.  These are a few goodies that are good an ready now and some that will be available for harvesting in just a few more weeks.

Oh, and you can't make a great meal without some outstanding fresh herbs!  How 'bout some oregano?

Did I hear someone needed basil?

If you do stop by, be sure to ask for freshly ground garlic powder too!  Becca grinds her own powder and it is simply amazing.  And you will be stopping by.  Right?  Location? 2748 Hallowell Road, Litchfield, Maine. These goodies will NOT disappoint:)


joselyn mason said...

these pictures are amazing! :)

Lee Weber said...

YUM! I am concerned about her black rooster's legs, they look like he has a mite infection. Vaseline will take care of it.

Jason said...

Awesome photos Deb. Yeah I'll stop by and see the old man. Especially since I haven't seen him in years. :)

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